What's New in Cycles 4D

Cycles 4D Build 550 Release March 2021

New features in this version are marked with this image in the text. In this build the following changes and improvements have been made:

GPU rendering (nVidia cards)

Support for CUDA 11

New objects

Sky object
Volume object

New nodes

Sky Nishita node
Vector Rotate node

Enhancements to nodes

A number of nodes have received new or enhanced features including:

Converter nodes

Map Range node

Input nodes

Matrix Info node
Particle Info node

Texture nodes

Enviroment texture
Noise texture
Replicator node
Wave texture
White noise texture

Render settings

OpenImage denoiser added to the denoiser options

Adaptive Sampling now available

Real-time preview

Images can now be denoised in the RTP window

Additional file formats for saving images from the RTP window

Other new features

Breadcrumb bar added to the node editor

Chromatic aberration added to the Camera tag

Enhancements to the Light Kits

New light presets available in the Lights Manager

Shadow Terminator control added to the Object tag