Converter: Vector Math

Node Interface


Function Perform mathematical operations on the input vectors and output the result
Nearest C4D equivalent Xpresso Math, Dot Product and Cross Product nodes

This node accepts two vector inputs, carries out an operation on them, and outputs the result.


Note: a * symbol next to the name indicates the parameter also has an input port. A # symbol indicates that the parameter can only be changed with an input node, not in the node itself.

Type drop-down menu

The menu has several sub-menus as shown here:

This allows you to select the desired operation. The possible operations are:

Operation Action Output Port
Add Adds the two vectors together. Vector
Subtract Subtracts Vector2 from Vector1. Vector
Multiply Multiplies Vector1 by Vector 2, component-wise. Vector
Divide Divides Vector1 by Vector 2, component-wise. Vector
Distance The distance between the two points represented by Vector1 and Vector2. Value
Minimum Returns a vector with each component being the lowest value from Vector1 and Vector2. Vector
Maximum Returns a vector with each component being the highest value from Vector1 and Vector2. Vector
Normalize Normalizes Vector1 and outputs the normalized vector. Vector
Length The length of Vector1. Vector2 is not used. Value
Scale Multiplies Vector1 by the 'Scale' value. Vector
Snap For each component, the value in Vector2 is mulitiplied by an integer to be as high as possible while remaining less than or equal to the same component of Vector1. The value in Vector1 is then set to this value. Vector
Floor The components of Vector1 are rounded down to the nearest integer value. Vector
Ceil The components of Vector1 are rounded up to the nearest integer value. Vector
Modulo The modulo of Vector1 by Vector 2, component-wise. Vector
Fraction Each component of Vector1 is changed to the fractional part of the value only. Vector
Absolute Each component of Vector1 is changed to its abolute value - that is, negative values are made positive. Vector
Wrap Additional rounding method, see Vector
Sine, Cosine, Tangent Returns the sine, cosine or tangent of the three components of Vector 1. Vector 2 is not used. Vector
Dot Product Calculates the dot product of the two vectors. Value
Cross Product Calculates the cross product of the two vectors. Vector
Project Projects Vector1 onto Vector2. Vector
Reflect Reflects Vector1 around Vector2. Vector

Vector1 *, Vector2 *

The two vectors to operate on.

Scale *

A numeric value, only used when the 'Operation' menu is set to 'Scale'.

Wrap Vector *

Only used when 'Type' is set to 'Wrap'.



The vector after the operation is carried out. Not applicable if the operation is set to Dot Product.


The output value if the operation was set to Dot Product. Otherwise not applicable.