Getting Help

The following resources may be useful when using Cycles 4D:

The Reference Manual

The page you are reading is part of the reference documentation for Cycles 4D and this manual should be your first call when you have a query.

This manual is an on-line document so it can be accessed directly from Cycles 4D itself. To do this you can:

  • click Help... in the Cycles 4D main menu to go to the home page of this manual
  • or click the help button which you will find in many Cycles 4D objects; this will take you to the manual page relevant to that object

FAQ page

The FAQ page in this manual contains answers to some common questions about Cycles 4D. There is also the FAQ page on our main website, which is particularly useful for questions about licensing, which are not covered in this manual.

Searching the manual

You can search the manual by typing your search query into the quick search box at the top-right of any page and clicking the magnifying glass button. This will take you to a results page with links to all pages which find your search term.

Alternatively, click the 'Advanced Search' link below the quick search box which will take you to a more advanced screen. This also has information on how to search the manual effectively.

The online Community Forum and Discord channel

We have a dedicated forum for the users of X-Particles and Cycles 4D where you should ask the type of questions such as 'How do I do something?'. That is likely to get you the best answer since experienced users of Cycles 4D often visit the forum, or alternatively you can use our Discord channel.

Please note that support issues or queries regarding purchase or licensing issues will NOT be answered in the public forum or Discord channel. For such queries please contact the support team - see below.

The forum is located at

We have an active Discord channel for Insydium products, but to reiterate, this is not intended for official support from INSYDIUM. Please go to our Discord channel for more information.

Cycles resources on the web

There are a large number of resources for Cycles on the web; you can search for 'blender cycles' in Google for these. Some very useful ones are:

Blender home site - Cycles reference manual

Introduction to Cycles

The Cycles Shader Encyclopedia

Blender Artists forum - Creating materials

Email Support

If you have a technical support query, queries regarding your purchase or problems with your licence, please contact our support team by raising a support ticket at the Insydium website. You will need your Cycles 4D licence to access this service.