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What is Maintenance and how does it work?

A perpetual INSYDIUM Fused license purchased with Maintenance gives you 12 months access to all INSYDIUM Fused Plugins, Updates and Library Assets.

If the Maintenance expires, you will retain access to X-Particles and lose access to the rest of the INSYDIUM Fused Collection.

To retain access to the Maintenance Benefits, you will need to purchase Maintenance via the INSYDIUM Shop. If you purchase Maintenance before your current maintenance expires, 12 months will be added to your expiry date; you do not lose out by purchasing early.

Please note that if you purchase after your Maintenance has expired, this will affect the available X-Particles Build should your Maintenance lapse again in the future as this will revert to the last build released by the time of the first Maintenance lapse.

For more information on Maintenance, visit our Maintenance product page.