X-Particles has the most advanced particle rendering solution on the market. It enables you to render particles, splines, smoke and fire, all within the Cinema 4D renderer.
X-Particles natively supports rendering with Cycles 4D. A dedicated bridge plugin allowing Cinema 4D users to access the Cycles rendering engine inside Cinema 4D. You can use particle information to drive Cycle 4D materials. It also includes native volume rendering of xpExplosiaFX and xpDomain, and full-color support.
Particle rendering and high-quality fast point rendering means every channel has access to modifiers to give you even more control over the end result.
X-Particles supports Cinema 4D Physical Rendering to achieve photorealism. With full Object Color support for the Generator and Skinner, plus Sound, Proximity and Wet Shader.
X-Particles comes with a dedicated rendering solution for smoke and fire simulations. Access smoke, fire, fuel and temperature data separately to shape your flames.
X-Particles provides a vast range of possibilities to create and render geometry from particles. From lightning generators, spline meshing and geometric fragmenting, each X-Particles Generator delivers with high performance and stability.