Part of our INSYDIUM Fused Collection, X-Particles is a fully-featured advanced particle and VFX system for Maxon’s Cinema 4D. Its unique rule system of Questions and Actions enables complete control over particle simulations.

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Why X-Particles?

An essential component of an artist’s toolkit, X-Particles is the solution to satisfy all your particle needs: Cloth, Smoke, Fire, Fluids, Grains and Dynamics. Designers can switch effortlessly between motion graphics and VFX, within a unified system.



xpFluidFLIP features a choice of fluid solvers, APIC and FLIP.

The APIC solver is fantastic at maintaining liquid momentum, preserving the natural flow that your fluids should have and can also provide a more dynamic yet very stable simulation.

xpFluidFLIP has a new collisions system which handles not only static collider objects but also fast-moving or rotating collider objects. It can interact with all other xpDynamics objects giving you endless possibilities.

xpFluidFLIP helps you create detailed, fast fluid simulations, giving you more artistic control than ever before.

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xpScatter enables you to scatter your objects over multiple scene geometry, from splines to parametric objects all at the same time.

The topology tab will enable you to distribute your scatter on landscape slope, height, and curvature to create realistic ecosystems.

Animate your growth by using textures, X-Particles modifiers, and Mograph effectors.

Use multiple display modes for fast viewport performance. You can even restrict the scatter of objects to within the camera field of vision for optimal efficiency.

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Our time and custom spline retiming option give you fine control over playback. The new cache layers in xpCache enables you to lock and unlock to re-cache objects in your scene.

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Seamless Integration

X-Particles is built seamlessly into Cinema 4D like it is part of the application. It’s compatible with the existing particle modifiers, object deformers, Mograph effectors, Hair module, native Thinking Particles, and works with the dynamics system in R14 and later. 

If you know how to use the Mograph module, you already know how to use X-Particles, it's that easy.

  • Intuitive Workflow
  • Data Import and Export
  • Field Support
  • OpenVDB Export
  • Mograph Support
  • Particle Caching

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Advanced Rendering

X-Particles has the most advanced particle rendering solution on the market. It enables you to render particles, splines, smoke and fire, all within the Cinema 4D renderer. Included are a range of shaders for sprites, particle wet maps and skinning colors. You can even use sound to texture your objects. 

Perfectly partnered with INSYDIUM’s Cycles 4D and also compatible with the following:

  • Cinema 4D Standard Renderer
  • Cinema 4D Physical Renderer
  • Arnold, Octane, Redshift

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