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Should I purchase Maintenance or the Complete Upgrade?

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My Maintenance has expired and I don't have the latest Build

My license has Maintenance

My Maintenance expired after the release of the latest Build


My Maintenance has expired and I don't have the latest Build

Purchasing Maintenance or the Complete Upgrade will give you access to the latest build of the full INSYDIUM Fused Collection.

The £350 Complete Upgrade product will give you perpetual access, including eligibility for related Service Updates but you will not receive Release Updates. When a Release Update is available, you will need to purchase another Complete Upgrade to gain access. Purchasing this product means that Maintenance will no longer be required and your license cannot be reverted.

The £250 Maintenance option will give you 12 months access and this will include Updates. If you do not renew your Maintenance, after the 12 months expires, you will retain access to X-Particles only.


My license has Maintenance

If your license has Maintenance, the best option for you will depend on if you intend to keep your Maintenance up to date and if you require access to Updates as they are released.

If you intend to keep purchasing Maintenance to keep your license up to date, we would recommend purchasing this option as it would be more cost effective.

If you think that you might let your Maintenance lapse in the future but want to keep access to the full INSYDIUM Fused Collection, we recommend the Complete Upgrade option. Purchasing this product means that Maintenance will no longer be required and your license cannot be reverted.


My Maintenance expired after the release of the latest Build

If your Maintenance expired after the latest INSYDIUM Fused Release Update, this means that you currently have access to the latest INSYDIUM Fused or X-Particles Build.

The £350 Complete Upgrade product will give you perpetual access to the full Fused Collection, including related Service Updates, but you will not receive Release Updates. When a Release Update is available, you will need to purchase another Complete Upgrade to gain access. Purchasing this product means that Maintenance will no longer be required and your license cannot be reverted.

The £250 Maintenance option will give you 12 months access and this will include Updates. If you do not renew your Maintenance, after the 12 months expires, you will retain access to X-Particles only.