These Maintenance Training videos were recorded using Cinema 4D R21 and X-Particles Build 895.
The hardware it was recorded on was an Intel i7 7820X at 3.60 GHz, 64GB RAM, with an Nvidia GTX 1080ti.
An overview and introduction to the FluidFX solver.
Explore the concept of fluid density calculations and particle velocity.
Learn about the solver settings and the importance of simulation accuracy.
Explore the concept of fluid properties and how to adjust them within Emitter settings.
Create water droplets using Surface Tension.
Set up mixed density simulations, like oil and water.
Use granular mode for snow and sand effects.
Understand the solver settings and how the fluid motion is calculated.
Make adjustments and understand the solver’s distinct fluid look.
Create a mixed density simulation using particle radius.
Understand the concept of a voxel grid with a domain.
Analyze the distinct look and feel of an APIC and FLIP fluid simulation.
Learn about the unique collision system within the solver.
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