Latest INSYDIUM News

Friday, 21 September 2018

R20 Compatible Early Access Release Build 623 - Out Now!

Due to massive improvements, MAXON made to Cinema 4D R20, all third-party developers such as INSYDIUM, have had to adapt their Plugins.

We priced up the development and QA time as well as the impact these changes would have. We decided to look at alternatives; our solution is a Bridge plugin for Cinema 4D R20 that can load plugins from Cinema 4D R14 to R19 and enable them to work in R20. Read more about the bridge here.

The Bridge is included within this Early Access Release update. If you are running Cinema 4D R14 - R19, this latest update will still work, as the bridge plugin knows which version of Cinema 4D that is in use. Therefore, if you are running an earlier release of Cinema 4D or Cinema 4D R20, this Early Access Build will work.

New Features

This update isn’t just about the Bridge, we’ve added essential bug fixes and some significant new feature updates. Due to the popularity of xpInfectio from the previous build, and some great customer feedback, we’ve focussed on perfecting this already popular tool. We’ve also created a new mode in VertexMap Maker ‘from seed’ and created the ability to add a Vertex Color Tag in the VertexMap Maker.

There is a new mode of operation in the xpWeight modifier and the ability to mesh volumes in the OpenVDB mesher. Take a look, we’ve got a few more features in there too.


The ability to mesh volumes in the OpenVDB mesher


Already in The Early Access Programme Here’s How to get the latest updates

  1. Go Edit menu > Preferences (hotkey Ctrl + E).
  2. Select X-Particles on the left.
  3. Tick the box 'Show Early Access Updates'.
  4. X-Particles menu – Help and Support menu. Select - Check for X-Particles Online Updater.
  5. Click Check for updates now.



Please Note:

You can choose to try these features with our Early Access Programme. As beta software, it should be mostly bug-free, but you don’t have to use it. It’s up to you. Public Release of the latest X-Particles is due for release on 1st November 2018.


This update isn’t just about the Bridge, we’ve added essential bug fixes and some significant new feature updates.