Monday, 20 May 2019
This update contains bug fixes which will increase performance and stability. This is available to all Cycles 4D customers with up-to-date maintenance. Rest assured, we will continue to make these improvements to our products and services.
Cycles 4D owners will receive this update automatically, as long as you have enabled your Cycles 4D Online Updater. Alternatively, the email you received from INSYDIUM LTD when you purchased our software, contains a download link; this link will provide you with our latest version of Cycles 4D.
1221 - Object Info Node
1269 - Crashing Adding a Material
1270 - Darker Image in RTP with Filmic
1272 - Image in RTP Darker When reopening with Filmic
1273 - RTP Viewport
1274 - RTP Viewport
1277 - Black Border in RTP
1278 - RTP Black Border
1280 - OVDB Not Updating RTP
1283 - Camera Tag Post Gives Gamma Shift
1284 - Sphere Render Perfect
1298 - Point Density Texture Menu
1299 - Camera View On/Off Will Swap Materials
1300 - RTP
1303 - Motion Blur Not Working for Splines
1307 - Assigned Node Colors on Frames not Saving
1308 - Mapping Node Does Not Release Object
1314 - RTP not updating
1315 - RTP Won't Render VDB from Cache
1316 - TFD Submenu Missing
1320 - Cryptomatte Crashing with Network Paths
1321 - OVDB Attribute PointColor Crash
1324 - TR Client Fails if GPU Not Found
1328 - Converting Selected Materials
1329 - Pasting Group Node Crashing
1331 - Disband Node Issue Deletes Selected Nodes