Tuesday, 28 September 2021
This Update contains bug fixes for Licensing, xpDynamics, xpShatter, xpCache, and TerraformFX, all of which will increase performance and stability. In addition, users will find that the following xpCache fixes make the cache 'dialog' far more responsive.
Fused Hotfix Update contains:
X-Particles Build 1036 and TerraformFX Build 122
If you are an eligible customer, you will receive this Hotfix Update automatically, as long as you have enabled your Online Updater. Alternatively, you can access the latest build of Fused for your license from your Customer Account.
If you want to receive this Update, you’ll need to own a Fused license and download this Hotfix Update. Converting your X-Particles license is free if your license is in its Maintenance Period; all you need to do is log into your Customer Account and click Convert.