Tuesday, 3 September 2019
We are pleased to announce that our current builds of X-Particles and Cycles 4D are compatible with Cinema 4D R21.
Cinema 4D R21 has seen API Changes. As a result of these changes, all third-party developers such as INSYDIUM, have had to adapt their plug-ins. X-Particles is a sophisticated piece of software, which means these changes take up significant development time and it is only possible to implement them on our latest builds.
We’ve listened to our customers, and we are now offering an alternative payment option. INSYDIUM Subscription, both X-Particles and Cycles 4D Licenses on a pay as you go monthly basis. This is an additional payment option, not a replacement for our existing perpetual license model. Your monthly payment will give you access to the latest releases of X-Particles and Cycles 4D, Technical Support, Early Access, plus Maintenance benefits such as exclusive Training and Content.