Click through the history of INSYDIUM products and see how far we've come.
The original X-Particles, this was the first version of our particle system plugin which slotted into the Cinema 4D ecosystem. A completely new particle system, that did not need the standard Cinema 4D emitter or Thinking Particles. Our first X-Particles release began life with modifiers, an emitter, generator, sprite and trail objects. A fundamental question and actions system was also in place, and this was just the beginning of the X-Particles journey.
February 2012
Emitter, Generator, Sprite and Trail.
System, Questions and Actions.
Cross and Three-Plane (also used independently of other X-Particles objects).
Cover/fill, Deflector, Direction, Flock, Freeze, Geometry, Gravity, Light, Particle Life, Scale, Spawn, Speed, Spin, Sprites, Target and Turbulence.
Collider and Freeze.
Volume and Sprite.
X-Particles 2 was launched with Standard and Professional versions. The main changes were the multithreading of selected features, and a huge speed-up all round. We introduced a new Python modifier, complete with its own action. A new question, again using python script, which allowed users to write their own scripts for questions. The Professional version shipped with XPresso Nodes, A Mesher Object, and the Skinner. Fluid simulation, multiphysics and object morphing were also now included.
May 2013
A large Update with many additional modifiers, and numerous changes to the core code. We incorporated a completely new, flexible and powerful caching system and added many enhancements to the emitter object. With the introduction of Wet Maps and a Polygon Fragmenter, along with additional skinner surfaces. Our fluids were greatly improved, much faster and easier to use. Particle painting, creation, deletion and properties such as color, speed, rotation and life were also now available.
November 2013
With its core engine rewritten, X-Particles 3 was faster and less memory-intensive than its predecessor. It now had far greater power and speed than Cinema 4D's actual particle emitter or Thinking Particles. Most objects were multithreaded, and we had volumetric rendering, smoke and fire. We'd introduced spline rendering without geometry, an inbuilt sprite generator and particle skinner. Inbuilt functions, such as Flocking, Target following, and Particle tracing and additional objects such as Trail object, Fragmenter, Elektrix, Spline Mesher were now available.
March 2015
X-Particles 3.5 had become the most versatile standard particle system around. User friendly, customers now had direct access to the X-Particles online video manual from each object within our software. We included some fantastic new features; Illumination based emissions, Followpath meets Cloner, Trail Deformer, xpParticles Falloff, enhanced Group Object, xpSound Modifier, Sound Shader and Data Mapping. The Emitter HUD could now show additional particle data, and we added new emitter shapes – Box and Cylinder.
November 2015
Our new product Cycles 4D, a dedicated bridge plugin allowing Cinema 4D users access the Cycles rendering engine directly inside Cinema 4D. As you’d expect Cycles 4D came with full X-Particles support. X-Particles owners receive an exclusive discount off the list price. You could use either your CPU or GPU to Render, giving you real-time interactive modifications instantly. Node-based interface so that you can track your workflow easily. It was introduced as the perfect partner for X-Particles, that fact remains to be true.
November 2016
When we purchased BlackCores, ExplosiaFX software in 2016, we were able to scrutinize valuable code. The integration of this code into X-Particles 4, made this Update a giant leap forward for INSYDIUM. Smoke and fire simulation capabilities were dramatically improved, giving users unparalleled control and interaction. Fluid effects had a makeover too, a new state of the art liquid and grain solver was introduced. It was now possible to 'Create like never before'.
December 2017
Remarkably fast cloth simulations.
Create highly realistic grain and liquid solving, using the latest in SPH (Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics) methods for large- and small-scale fluid simulations.
A particle-based dynamic solver, ideal for small-scale fluid creation for motion design.
Our velocity field generator, create custom velocity field effects from a variety of sources.
Enables you to create organic, dynamic, smooth-flowing particles along a spline. Animate the splines by keyframes or deformers, SplineFlow updates in real-time.
Allows you to emit your particles while dynamically avoiding intersections. It works in unison with all emission shapes, surfaces, volumes and splines, enabling you to create beautiful animations.
xpCellAuto Object
Generates particles based on three different cellular automata algorithms - Elementary, Game of Life and Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, each of these algorithms creates unique results from geometric, repetitive patterns to natural organic growth simulations.
A motion modifier that enables you to create abstract, chaotic particle animations.
xpGravity Newton
Make realistic gravity and orbit animations. Add an object or multiple objects into the attractors window, and each object can be given an individual gravitational field. Particles can orbit each object, and you have control of the speed and intensity of the gravitational pull.
Streamlined workflow for meshing using our filtering system, means you can layer up your effects, generate smooth flowing surfaces, remesh geometry objects or create complex models.
xpVertexMap Maker
Create fully procedural real-time vertex maps inside X-Particles. xpVertexMap maker works with object vertices, textures, particles and ExplosiaFX.
Create realistic smoke, fire and explosive simulations.
This build introduced a new matrix info node to enable rendering of a Mograph matrix object without geometry. Post effects such as Filmic, Bloom and Glare were added to the cyCamera tag. Node groups saved to disk (as .cyg files) could now be drag-and-dropped directly into the node editor. The node editor had an improved interactive search field to make it easier to locate a specific node. For simplicity, node lists in the editor are color-coded using the same colors as in the node title bars.
December 2017
This Update contained remarkable speed improvements to the Core, faster particle modifiers and adaptive collisions. The xpFluidFX Solver was reworked, which meant fluids were now physically more accurate, more realistic, and so much faster. We also had some significant new feature updates, like the new mode in xpVertexMap Maker ‘from seed’ and the ability to add a Vertex Color Tag. We now also had the ability to mesh volumes in the OpenVDB mesher.
October 2018
The INSYDIUM Bridge is free to download for the Cinema 4D Community. When Maxon released Cinema 4D R20, they changed and improved the Cinema 4D Core. As a result of these changes, many third-party plugins, including INSYDIUM’s no longer worked. We created the INSYDIUM Bridge for Cinema 4D so that users can load plugins from R12 to R19 and enable them to work in the latest version.
The Node Editor had been rewritten, which increased speed and efficiency. The Real-Time preview was made faster and smoother, and we updated to the New Cycles Core (62173 Jan 2019) We also included loads of cool new features: Cryptomatte for compositing, enabling the shortening the compositing process immensely without compromising the image. Simple Motion Blur, Ambient Occlusion node, Bevel node, Principled Volume node, Principled Hair node and the IES node were all new to this build.
April 2019
This Update contained the new xpDynamics Tag, fully integrated into the X-Particles system and works with fluids, smoke, fire and constraints. Dynamic objects could now be controlled and art-directed using X-Particles emitters, modifiers, questions & actions and data mapping. Another massive new feature was xpShatter, which allows users to break apart any scene object. You could now use objects, splines, particles and point generators to control shattering and it worked in perfect harmony with the new xpDynamics feature.
July 2019
New Dynamics solver for Rigid and Soft Body Dynamics.
New Voronoi based shattering system.
New Render generator to render Particle and Display Modes.
New Powerful type of particle group.
New integrated preset tools.
New Deformer to grow spline objects, Trails and Elektrix.
xpTrailTip Tag
New Tag to add an object to the tip of trail splines.
New Shader to color objects from particle parameters.
New Modifier to generate thin film particles in Fluid simulations.
New Modifier for crown splash simulations.
Emission from Object
Rotation mode Tangential to Normal.
Color Modifier
Color from vertex tag, change particle shape.
Inherit Modifier
More options to inherit and control when inherited.
Spawn Modifier
Inherit UV emission data from source.
Vertex color from particles.
Drag Modifier
Use Scene units and new Shatter mode.
Scale Modifier
New Percentage option for scale, and shader mapping.
Infectio Modifier
More color control with groups.
Physical Modifier
Use Shaders to control options.
Cover Modifier
Two new modes ‘Nearest Surface Point’ and ‘Nearest Vertex’ added for more control over material channels.
Attractor Modifier
New Viewport icon to show where particles will be attracted to.
Vortex Modifier
New Helix mode.
Custom Data
New variation field.
New object mode.
Network Modifier
New distance mode.
Emitter Display
New cylinder mode.
Emitter Direction
New option persist while stuck, enables particles to maintain correct axis direction on deformed normal.
Updated to latest Cycles Core (March 2020), the main emphasis on this build was on improved workflow. We introduced some fantastic new lighting tools giving you greater control of your lighting rigs, enabling you to create excellent physically correct, realistic results. We added unlimited render nodes, updated existing features and created some helpful shortcuts. Plus, this update had OptiXTM support, Customer AOVs, Replicator Node, Viewport Texture support, OpenVDB Velocity Maps, Light Kits and Light Manager.
March 2020
Latest Cycles Core
1.11.0 (16/03/20 [62397]).
OptiX™ Support
OptiX™ offers a significant boost to rendering performance.
Custom AOVs
AOVs allow you to take any arbitrary information out of the shader tree and into the compositing tree.
Replicator Node
The Replicator Node lets you replicate an image over an object surface. The node comes with controls for scale and rotation for precise placement.
Viewport Texture Support
All image textures used in Cycles 4D can now be viewed directly in the Cinema 4D Viewport.
OpenVDB Velocity Maps
You can now have accurate motion blur on your OpenVDB meshes with the built-in velocity map support.
Light Kits
The newly built Light Kits contain a Softbox, Ring and Spot Lights to give you quick physical lighting rigs for studio setups and more.
Lights Manager
The new Lights Manager gives a global overview of all lights in your scene. Enabling you to control the color intensity and much more.
Layer Node
The Layer Node lets you input multiple images and use transfer modes to control each layer. Fine-tune your layers for picture-perfect renders.
Commander for Node Editor
Access nodes on the fly with the new Cycles 4D Commander for Nodes Editor. Providing an excellent, easily accessible overview of all your available nodes in one single place.
cyEnvironment HDR
All new controllers to control Brightness, Gamma, Hue saturation and Value all in one place, no need to dive into nodes to fine-tune your HDR image.
Attributes tag supports user data
Cinema 4D user data can now be accessed and driven in the cyAttributes.
Drag Objects into the Node Editor
xpEmitter, hair, lights, selection maps, polygon objects.
Node Insertion
Nodes can be added directly to chains by selecting over output ports.
Stop Connection to unsupported ports
If a port is not supported, you can no longer connect them.
Pick Focus
Pick Focus added to the RTP.
Keep Connected
Grouping selections will now maintain the previous connections.
Stop on render
New option Stop on render added to the RTP menu options.
Move with Wire
Panning in the Node Editor will follow the selected wire.
Keep RTP Draw when IRR is active
Keeps the image from the last render while using interactive render engine.
User-based IRR
The IRR now lets the user draw on the area to be active.
Point Density node uses an input name
The node name will change based on what the input source is.
Grid Colors
Users can now change the Node Editor grid in preferences.
Camera tag exposure
New exposure setting added to the Camera tag.
Camera tag DOF switch
New switch for Depth of Field to keep the UI consistent.
Node Editor tool palette
The icon bar in the node can be hidden, and also has its own menu.
Material menu
The Cycles 4D materials are now in the main Cinema 4D material manager.
Add to frame
Directly drag nodes into frames.
Remove unconnected icon
New icon/option to remove unconnected nodes.
Fluid options
Particle info node now has Granular and Fluid Surface.
ExplosiaFX Material improvements
ExplosiaFX Materials have been rebuilt and explained.
A monumental Update, we focused on our core foundations and workflow, rebuilding, refining, and enhancing. We introduced the all-new xpFluidFLIP into Fluids, now with a choice of Solvers, FLIP and APIC. Calculations are faster, and simulations more realistic.
xpExplosiaFX had additions too; Upres means you can now upres your low-resolution smoke and fire simulations, enabling you to fine-tune the scene detail before sending to final render. New OpenGL display, enables you to visualize your simulation, see all the incredible detail in the viewport. Control over transparency per channel, lets you fine-tune your artwork to achieve your desired look.
July 2020
xpSystem Object
xpDisplay Render
xpDynamics Modifier
New Auto Fade.
New Start at Age and Offset.
New Trigger modes.
xpLimit Modifier and xpMetaGroup
New user value.
xpNetwork and xpAvoid
New Intersection system.
Updated Defaults.
We introduced Sky Texture Nishita, a physically-based texture for simulating skies, and the Chromatic Abberation post effect (cyCamera), enabling color splitting of an image. The new Breadcrumb bar in the Node Editor means users could now navigate between groups with speed and efficiency. While Adaptive Sampling cycles automatically reduce the number of samples in the areas with little noise. Making rendering faster and providing an even noise distribution.
March 2021
Cycles Core
1.13.0 (9/9/20 [62482])
Sky Texture Node (Nishita)
Nishita is a physically-based texture for simulating skies.
Adaptive Sampling
Cycles automatically reducing the number of samples in the areas that have little noise. Noise is distributed more evenly, making rendering faster.
Real-Time Denoising
Our Denoiser is now supported in the RTP with Optix.
Shadow Terminator Offset (cyObject Tag)
The cyObject Tag gives you the control to fix any artifacts with smooth normals on low-poly objects.
Breadcrumb Bar in Node Editor
The new Breadcrumb bar in the node editor lets you navigate between groups for faster workflow.
Chromatic Aberration post effect (cyCamera)
The cyCamera Tag gives you photorealistic color splitting of your image.
Volume Object
Generate in scene volumes and fog effects, with simple to use controls for manipulating density, color, and more.
Light Presets
The new built-in lights browser enables user-added light presets. Quickly drop-in ready-made lighting setups for fast scene lighting.
Viewport display for cyEnvironment Object
You can now see your HDRs in the Cinema 4D viewport when using the cyEnviroment Object.
cySky Object Preset
A preset environment object using the new Nishita sky Texture.
Layer Node UI
Replicator Node UI
Added new input and outputs to drive Alpha, Normal, Bump, and Reflections for the replicated textures.
Light Kits
New built-in material supports blend modes between the material and main emissive light, using the default gradient for soft-edge effects or noises and custom textures.
Lights Manager
Now takes an emissive material, users can drag and drop a texture tag directly into the manager. The lights Manager will update, so that you can adjust the color and brightness of the emissive shader.
RTP File save formats
The RTP save image now supports Jpeg, Tiff, Tga, Bmp, pict, psd, and png formats for more control over image saving directly in the RTP.
Noise Textures
Additional new Roughness option.
This update welcomed our brand-new plugin Taiao, a procedural plant animation system used to generate trees, flowers, grasses and custom objects. Taiao enables you to build individual plants and colonize landscapes and bring your animations to life with forces to add natural motion to the plants. Recreating nature is easy with Taiao.
We also introduced new features into TerraformFX. tfPath and tfRoad add custom splines into your terrains to generate paths, then create procedural roads on those paths with a built-in cloning tool for added realism. MeshTools saw additions to mtInset and new features mtRemesh, which remeshes the input geometry into a Delaunay triangulation-based mesh surface.
March 2022
New Features
New Features
INSYDIUM Fused contains all of our plugins and products in one complete collection. Everything you need to create stunning particle effects, realistic terrains and fulfil modeling tasks through to the final render.
INSYDIUM Fused consists of:
July 2021
Rigid and Soft Body Tags - xpBullet brings the industry-standard Bullet physics engine into the X-Particles framework.
General UI update and full UI updates on xpShatter and xpOpenVDB for a cleaner workflow.
Full support for Apple M1 Macs.
The art-directable terrain generator that allows users to build customizable landscapes.
Generators are used to add new features to your terrain, generating mountains, hills, valleys, rivers, and more.
Filters will alter, adjust, and fine-tune it to your artwork.
A suite of powerful procedural modeling tools to affect geometry and generate splines.
Viewport Selections
This Update included a brand-new addition to the Fused Collection - NeXus, a GPU particle and simulation system that integrates perfectly into the X-Particles ecosystem. NeXus harnesses the power of Vulkan. Our cross-platform particle simulation framework brings fluids, grains, constraints and particle modifiers onto the GPU.
Other additions included a new feature in Taiao, our new Growth tab, giving you control over branches which could be added dynamically. Fields now work with leaves, flowers and custom objects. You could now animate leaves growing on a tree, driven by Fields. In MeshTools we introduced the all-new mtFractal, a procedural fractal tool that enables you to generate intricate fractals using preset patterns. Furthermore, TerraformFX had a new feature - tfWarp, which distorts the input height field using a low-res control grid of 2D displacement vectors.
We also added new packs to our Library Assets. The Taiao Preset Pack enables users to build flowers, plants and trees quickly and easily. Inspired by nature, our Nature Materials Pack provides 120 high-resolution drag-and-drop materials containing many variations of leaves and barks.
September 2022
Bringing many standard modifiers into the NeXus GPU framework means faster fluids and standard particle effects.
New Growth System – We now have individual control over branches, which can be added dynamically. Leaves, Flowers and Custom Objects have individual control with variation and support for Fields, using the Growth tab.
New Features
New Feature
In this Update, we have enhanced caching enabling spawning particles from cached emitters. We've introduced multi-instances to xpGenerator and xpScatter. We also added flat geometry to xpSplineMesher and local rotation for particles.
NeXus enhances existing modifiers along with new powerful modifiers. These make NeXus the perfect tool for creating flock and swarm simulations, organic particle-growth, blending effects and realistic wave simulations. We've added nxQuestion, allowing for the custom effects based on particle and scene data. Write your own scripts to drive particles or use AI-generated code. We also introduced Data Mapping enabling you to map parameters to particle data.
Taiao has new animation tools for growth effects and realistic forces. There are substantial speed increases and a massive UI overhaul, enhancing artistic workflow and scene management.
TerraformFX was updated with powerful landscape generation and animation tools, encompassing design, lighting, rendering, texturing and simulation capabilities.
MeshTools welcomed mtRayline, a procedural ray-casting spline generator for FUI, HUD, spline animations and laser effects. We also introduced mtSplineFX for forked lightning, cabling systems, webbing designs and electrical arcing systems.
July 2023
New Modifiers
This update significantly enhances NeXus and its GPU core, making calculations faster, smarter, and using less VRAM. Brand-new particle-to-object collisions offer massive speed improvements and handle complex animated geometry with ease. NeXus now includes four additional modifiers: nxColor for layering and blending sophisticated coloring effects, nxCover for covering points, edges, and volumes of scene objects and splines with particles, nxFollowGeo for making particles follow the edges and surfaces of objects and splines, and nxSticky for sticking particles to static and animated objects.
Taiao has further improved its usability with additions to the Growth Point layer in toPlant, offering more procedural options for scattered objects including scale, rotation, and separation. toLeaf introduces a layer-based venation system, which can build complex realistic vein structures and now comes with leaf presets. Modifiers have been upgraded, with updated furling options for non-intersection of leaves and flowers.
The TerraformFX overhaul is considerable and contains the all-powerful new procedural texturing tool and terrain map generator, the Advanced Terrain Shader. This uses and blends the data channels (including the newly added ‘Curvature’) generated by terrains to mix colors for landscapes, mapping them to color palettes. There are now more than 1450 Terrain Color Palettes, sampled using worldwide satellite imagery to ensure the realistic shading of terrains. tfDistribute is a new filter that allows the distribution of rocks, shrubs, trees, and even custom objects on terrains. The brand-new Noise generator can create almost limitless terrain shapes and rock formations.
MeshTools has seen exciting updates to both mtInset and mtSubdivider and has been further enhanced with some powerful new procedurally-based tools added to the modeling toolkit. mtPolyFold enables folding and peeling effects from points that you control and mtPointProject allows you to project the points of objects or splines onto the surface of other scene geometry. Both features can be controlled with materials, shaders, and fields.
May 2024
Covers points, edges, and volumes of scene objects and splines with particles.
Allows layering and blending sophisticated coloring effects.
Enables particles to stick to static and animated objects.
Makes particles follow the edges and surfaces of objects and splines.
Introduces additional options to manage object terminations.
Enhanced subdivision modes for finer detail and complexity.
Enables folding and peeling effects from controllable points.
Projects the points of objects or splines onto the surface of other scene geometry.
Now supports Ngon insertion for enhanced modeling capabilities.
Updated furling options prevent intersection of leaves and flowers.
Introduces a bias layer for more natural petal furling in toFlower.
Offers more procedural options for scattered objects including scale, rotation, and separation.
Includes a layer-based venation system to build complex, realistic vein structures.
New scaling options for custom object integration in scenes.
Enhances visibility and control over object height in scenes.
A new procedural texturing tool and terrain map generator that blends data channels for realistic landscapes.
Introduces terrain wear and natural erosion simulation techniques.
Enhances landscape realism by using curvature data to influence color mixing and shading.
Provides realistic shadowing based on environmental occlusion to enhance depth perception.
New filter that optimizes the placement of rocks, shrubs, trees, and custom objects on terrains.
Allows selective modification of terrain using 3D masks to create varied topographical features.
Includes preset formulas for rapid and complex terrain generation, tailored for diverse environments.
Features a new range of procedural noise options to generate varied terrain shapes and rock formations.